Destino Movement

Mission and Purpose

Our Mission

“Raising up a generation of leaders from the Latino and Hispanic community to change the world.”

Our Purpose

The DESTINO movement exists to help build personal, professional, moral and spiritual leadership within the Hispanic community. True life change and achieving excellence in character and leadership is achieved through following Jesus Christ and knowing Him personally. It is our vision to see a self-sustaining, multiplying campus community that is run by students, guided by local church volunteers and coached by staff. A movement that celebrates cultural diversity, practices biblical unity and promotes Christian compassion to influence others to have a heart for God, a heart for each other, a heart for the lost, and a heart for the world.

Who are we?

DESTINO is the U.S. Hispanic ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ: An international, interdenominational Christian ministry that is dedicated to drawing people into a closer relationship with God.

Why do we exist?

DESTINO was born out of a dream that Latinos could have a fun and energetic environment that would come together to celebrate the love of Jesus Christ without sacrificing the unique expression of our cultural heritage. The Apostle Paul expanded his influence in spreading the gospel to the Greeks (Acts 17) through cultural adaptation of the message of Christ. DESTINO strives to seek out new ways to culturally adapt the presentation of the message of Christ to the Latino community and those different from mainstream American culture by getting back to the essence of the gospel message.

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